Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Time for a game: Match the column excerpt to the columnist!

At hand: Nathan Rushton, Glenn Franco Simmons, John Driscoll, Rich Somerville, James Faulk.


1. The lion cub froze, poised either to run or perhaps to launch itself at my inquisitive hound. I kept one hand on the study walking stick I always hike with, made myself as large as possible, and commanded Nellie, "Come!" Because she's a well-trained girl, she trotted to my side, although she kept one suspicious eye on what, to her, must have seemed a tempting subject to harass. But a mountain lion cub, although deceptively cute, is a far cry from a house cat. I didn't want Nellie to find that out the hard way. Hikers should beware of lions of all sizes -- and make sure to only bring absolutely obedient dogs on allowed wilderness trails.


2. It was brought to my attention that a local blog said some critical words about our paper. Well, I don't think it's bad at all. I've think everyone is happy. Really happy. Like one big family. I should know, I've worked at more newspapers than anyone else at the paper. So that blogger obviously doesn't know what he's talking about.


3. This is the deal, people: you say it, we print it. "Off the record" is for weenies. Now, I've sat through a lot of these political meetings and talked to a fair number of politicians and I'll tell you, a little sophistication about these matters would go a long way. 'Nuff said. As for the rest of this column, well, sometimes there's not a lot to say. So, gimme a whiskey, ginger ale on the side. And don't be stingy, baby.


4. As a journalist, I can't help but be critical of other journalists. This may be of no interest to you, dear reader, but bear with me. See, sometimes I get upset because other reporters write about themselves. Or they utilize their connections to get a better story. Not fair! But maybe you don't care about that. Maybe you shouldn't even read this column, then. If you're still with me, though, first I'll digress. You'll recall from My Cats, part Three, that we last left Johas perched on the sofa...


5. I have recently received emails from numerous people if I would allow my reporters to do any stories which strayed from our mission to deliver the news on the best paper possible. My answer is no, we would not. If a story cannot justify our very expensive ink, then it would be unfair to our readers to take that chance. I do not believe in gimmicks to increase readership, which is built over time and is based on solid paper. The kind of paper that allows us to run gigantuan photos and large font. This is what soldiers die to protect, and I believe to honor them by printing on anything lesser is an injustice at best and unethical besides.


Hank Sims said...

I can't believe no one has yet pointed out how awesomely funny this was.

People probably just thought "Quiz? I don't want to take a quiz."

Anonymous said...

Only a journalist would think this boring post was funny.

The Postmaster said...

Thanks, Hank. Once we expand our vocabulary sufficiently, we'll work on a Town Dandy version.

Heraldo Riviera said...

Hey, how did that anonymous comment get in there?

The Postmaster said...

We left a window open for a moment. It has since been closed.

Anonymous said...

I took the quiz. You're right, it is funny. Ok, A=3,, wait,, definitely 4 is.....damn, I don't know, I give up.

sandbox said...

This is by far the stupidest post yet. This blog so totally sucks! God, it's so friggin' lame that this town can't produce one single decent blog!
Correction: only bad journalists think this is funny. That means the T-S is the only bunch not laughing.

Eric V. Kirk said...

Well, I'm not a journalist good or bad, but I think this is hilarious!

sandbox said...

Anyone catch the ER's tsunami drill photos? So much for the NCP's obsession with that loser Ritter. One photo is of a sign. WOW! The other is of a woman attempting to evacuate her dogs and they are so disturbed by the photographer that the poor woman can barely hang on. One dog is even lunging at the camera.
Looks like even the dogs feel the same way as the rest of us.

bloggled said...

I'm not a jounalist either, but I too find this funny! That said, I still miss Capt. Buhne...anybody else????